Well Hello Stranger

My oh my whereever has the time gone? 2 1/2 years since my last post. Well I’ll tell you where it went. One extremely amazing, very active now 3 year old little boy!!! He’s a big part for sure. I’ve also been busy with a new business of my own, leaving my full time job with the State of Maryland, renovating and still trying to maintain my sanity!! Hats off to the SAHM’s and WAHM’s out there. You all are my heros and are the real MVP’s!!! As I sit here typing this my wild animal is climbing all over me.  Yes I’ve joined the ranks of all those who hide in the bathroom hoping to catch a moment of peace. And sometimes, even that doesn’t work! However, it was during those rare moments that I realized I was missing something. 

I have a wonderful husband, my health, amazing miracle baby, lovely step daughter, my goofy dog, incredible friends and family, a roof over my head, and a fun exciting new business. My life is complete! Or at least it should be. It took a little searching as to what exactly I was lacking. I mean, I’ve gone through a lot and I am no longer the person I was before Cancer. So I am still adjusting to that. Part of this adjustment requires that I share my story with others. Not to talk about myself. But to let others know they are not alone. Blogging was like journaling for me.  I could get my thoughts out to help myself.  Others could read it and hopefully find something in my rants to help them get through or relate.

And that was it. THIS is what I’ve been missing.  Blogging had been my release. The thing I needed to help quiet the mindless chatter that easily takes over. A way to share the positive and negative realities of my day to day.  So here I am. I’m back. And I have so so much to talk about! Stay tuned…

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